Nuestros episodios

On today's episode, our guest Dustin, an American English Teacher in Korea, will teach us how English can become a powerful tool for communication, and how he has been adressing his English courses to his Korean students.

GO 05: UK Accents

This time we'll speak in British English! But, is there any difference between British English in other regions of the UK? We'll find out!

Today we have another serie of crazy and confusing words! Homophones (words that sound alike) vs Homonyms (multiple meaning words) vs Homographs...

GO 03: Australian food

Today we will learn some new words from Australia! In this case about food vocabulary (you don't even imagine how completely different they can be from American and British English).

GO 02: Have you been?

We're back with Tony on our second episode for more confusing phrases (yeah, nobody said that English was easy lol). This time we'll learn the actual way to mention a recent action when most English students (Spanish people) confuse them with the verb "to know".

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