Crazy Verbs! – To Go

We’ll unravel the various meanings and uses of ‘go,’ from simple actions like ‘going for a walk’ to more complex phrases like ‘going places’ in your career. Get ready to boost your vocabulary and practical language skills as we navigate through everyday scenarios, offering real-life examples to ensure you’re using ‘go’ with confidence. By the end of this episode, you’ll be well-equipped to ‘go’ forth and conquer your English language goals!

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Vocabulary Words and Phrases:

  1. Go (verb) – The fundamental action of moving from one place to another.
    • Example: “I need to go to the grocery store.”
  2. Go for a walk – To take a leisurely stroll.
    • Example: “After dinner, I like to go for a walk in the park.”
  3. Go on a trip – To travel to a different place for leisure or business.
    • Example: “They’re planning to go on a trip to Europe next summer.”
  4. Go ahead – To give permission or encouragement to proceed.
    • Example: “You can go ahead and start the meeting without me.”
  5. Go by (phrasal verb) – To pass or travel past a location.
    • Example: “The bus will go by the museum on its way to the station.”
  6. Go out – To leave one’s home, typically for social activities.
    • Example: “Let’s go out for dinner tonight.”
  7. Go back (in time) – To return to a previous point or era.
    • Example: “When I visit my hometown, it feels like I go back in time.”
  8. Go on (phrasal verb) – To continue or proceed.
    • Example: “The show must go on, even if there are technical difficulties.”
  9. Go over (phrasal verb) – To review or examine something.
    • Example: “I need to go over my notes before the exam.”
  10. Go through (phrasal verb) – To experience or endure a difficult situation.
    • Example: “She had to go through a lot of challenges to achieve her goals.”
  11. Go on foot – To travel by walking.
    • Example: “The beach is just a short distance away; we can go on foot.”
  12. Go places – To have a promising future or achieve success.
    • Example: “With hard work and determination, you can go places in your career.”

Practical Examples:

Host: Now, let’s use these words and phrases in sentences to help you understand them better.

  1. “I usually go to the gym in the morning to stay healthy.”
  2. “Would you like to go for a walk with me in the beautiful park nearby?”
  3. “They decided to go on a trip to explore the historic city of Rome.”
  4. “You have my permission; you can go ahead and start the project.”
  5. “The bus will go by the library on its way to the school.”
  6. “Let’s go out for pizza tonight; I don’t feel like cooking.”
  7. “When I visit my grandparents, it feels like I go back in time to my childhood.”
  8. “Despite the rain, the concert must go on as scheduled.”
  9. “Before the presentation, I need to go over my slides to make sure they’re perfect.”
  10. “She had to go through many interviews before landing her dream job.”
  11. “The beach is so close; we can easily go there on foot.”
  12. “With dedication and effort, you can go places in your English language journey!”

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Hosted by: Yamil Insaurralde